We regularly post safe driving tips and recommendations on how to keep your family safe while travelling. If you’ve ever wondered why we care so much or why you should read those and implement them into your driving habits, here’s why.
According to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, in 2016, there were over 267,000 car crashes in North Carolina, which was an increase from 2015. 1,441 people were killed in a car crash, also an increase from 2015. Additionally, approximately 130,000 people were injured – again an increase from 2015. Car crashes and the devastating results of those crashes are on the rise in North Carolina. We should all do our part to drive safe, encourage others to drive safe and help reduce injuries and fatalities in our state. Take a look at our other blog posts for specific tips but in the meantime, here are some high-level tips to stay safe on the road.
Wear your seat belt. 42% of people killed in a car crash in 2016 were not wearing their seatbelt. If they had been, it’s possible they could be alive today. It takes less than 10 seconds to buckle your seat belt and is something you should not overlook, even if you are only traveling a short distance – car crashes happen quickly and unexpectedly, regardless of how long your trip is.
Don’t drink and drive. 4% of crashes in North Carolina in 2016 involved alcohol but almost 28% of fatalities from crashes involved alcohol. Not only does driving under the influence increase the chances of being involved in a car crash, it can make the crash even more devastating with more serious consequences.
Limit distractions. 20% of all North Carolina crashes in 2016 involved distracted driving – think texting while driving and 12% of car crash fatalities involved distracted driving. Not only should you avoid texting a driving, but think about other distractions that could eliminate or reduce while driving – it could save a life.
If you’ve been involved in a car crash, we are here to help you recover. We’ll take the burden of fighting for compensation you deserve off your shoulders so that you can focus on recovering. Recovering compensation from an at-fault party or their insurance company can only happen within a certain time frame – if you wait too long, you could lose out. Call us today for your free consultation.