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What To Do Immediately After a Truck Accident: Essential Steps

What To Do Immediately After a Truck Accident: Essential Steps

Sep 19, 2024

Whether you’ve been in a truck crash or you’d just like to know what to do should the worst happen, this guide from Paynter Law is for you. Below, learn what to do immediately after a truck accident, from seeking medical treatment to finding a truck accident lawyer for your case.

Move to Safety

Right after a truck accident, you’re probably disoriented and possibly in serious pain. Still, you must make it to safety if you’re able to walk. Staying in your vehicle could be fatal if another driver crashes into you, especially if the crash happened on the highway.

Leave your car where it is and make your way to the side of the road. If anyone else needs help, assist them out of the road if possible. If you’re unable to help, wait for the emergency crew to arrive.

Call 911

Someone may have already called 911, but even so, it’s a good idea to call yourself. Be sure to stick around until the police arrive so you can make a report on what happened. Be truthful, but don’t blame the driver; just stick to the facts. The more accurate your statements are, the more helpful the report will be to your lawyer.

The 911 dispatcher will also probably send an ambulance. If you’re seriously hurt and wondering what to do immediately after a truck accident, you should certainly accept the trip to the hospital. 

Exchange Information With Involved Drivers

While you’re still at the accident scene, find all of the drivers involved in the crash and ask for their insurance information, driver’s license numbers, and contact details. You’ll need this information if you intend to file a claim with a driver’s insurance company.

When talking with the driver who hit you, try to stay calm. This is easier said than done, but yelling and cursing at them does you no favors. It looks especially bad if the police witness your outburst. Additionally, you never know if the driver might decide to retaliate and physically attack you.

Look for Evidence and Find Witnesses

If you’re wondering what to do immediately after a truck accident, make finding evidence and witnesses a key priority. Because you can’t physically remove evidence from the scene, you’ll have to make good use of your phone’s camera.

Take pictures of anything that seems like it might be important, such as skid marks on the pavement, vehicle debris, your car, the truck that hit you, traffic lights, etc. Once you’ve done that, look for witnesses who are willing to talk. Jot their contact details down in your phone’s Notes app.

Seek Medical Treatment

What if you didn’t accept that ambulance ride, but now it’s the day after the accident and you’re sore from head to toe? The next task for what to do immediately after a truck accident is head to a doctor for an exam. You should do this even if you feel like you’re fine. Just because you’re not feeling pain doesn’t mean you’re uninjured; rather; you might have serious nerve damage.

Seeing a doctor is also a must because it adds credibility to your claim. If you can’t prove your injuries, the insurance company might reduce your settlement or not offer one at all.

Avoid Signing Anything or Making a Recorded Statement

Trucking companies have a fleet of attorneys on hand to help them out of legal messes, such as your truck accident. The driver’s employer will likely have its attorneys contact the insurance company, which will then reach out to you.

The insurance company might ask you to make a recorded statement, but it’s wise to refuse. You’re not under any obligation to do so, and anything you say can (and probably will) be used against you.

If the insurer offers you a settlement, don’t sign anything that says you accept, at least, not right away. The majority of initial settlements are too low, and once you’ve accepted the offer, you can’t ask for more later.

Seek Legal Guidance

If you have suffered a physical injury, it’s smart to call a lawyer. Your attorney will help you collect evidence, talk to witnesses, negotiate for a settlement, and represent you in court if necessary.

Hurt in a Truck Crash? Call Paynter Law

Now that you’ve learned what to do immediately after a truck accident, make calling Paynter Law part of your post-crash recovery plan. Our legal team has a proven track record of winning fair settlements for clients involved in tractor-trailer accidents.

For a free consultation, call Paynter Law at (919) 245-3116.