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The Hidden Dangers of Vape Pens: Risks of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires

The Hidden Dangers of Vape Pens: Risks of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires

Aug 22, 2024

On the surface, vape pens seem like a safer alternative to cigarettes. However, they come with one type of risk that cigarettes don’t: The lithium-ion batteries that provide power to vape pens can start a sudden fire at any moment. A malfunctioning vape pen battery could leave you with severe burns.

In this guide, our attorneys explain the dangers of these devices and your legal options should you be injured by one.

Why Do Lithium-Ion Batteries Sometimes Catch Fire or Explode?

If you made the switch from cigarettes to vape pens, you probably did so because of the health risks of cigarettes. You perhaps sought to avoid certain chemicals, cut back on nicotine addiction, and reduce the chance of lung damage. Meanwhile, you may have neglected to account for the dangers of vape pens themselves, such as the risk of a battery fire.

When a lithium-ion battery fails, a process called thermal runaway can occur. This means the battery’s temperature increases so quickly that the unit can burn up or explode within seconds.

Why do these batteries sometimes fail? 

Defective Product

A lithium-ion battery with flawed materials or flawed manufacturing can overheat quickly, leading to a fire or an explosion.

Poor Design

Cylindrical lithium ion batteries are designed to be used only in battery packs. Unfortunately some vape pen manufacturers ignore this and design vape pens that require the battery to be manually removed for charging. This is dangerous and represents defective design.

Possible Injuries After a Lithium-Ion Battery Failure

Because the thermal runaway process happens so quickly, it can catch you off guard. Potential injuries from the dangers of vape pens include the following.


A vape pen battery fire can leave you with life-altering burns due to the extremely high temperatures. People who survive these fires may need long-term hospital care and medical treatment, including skin grafts. 

Should you face disfiguring or disabling burns that will never heal properly, you may be able to receive a financial award that takes these hardships into account.


If a vape pen lithium-ion battery explodes, you could suffer punctures from the shrapnel. Pieces of the vape pen could fly outward, cutting your skin or causing disfiguring injuries to sensitive areas like your eyes, nose, and mouth.

If you were a bystander who suffered puncture wounds because someone else’s vape pen battery exploded, you might have the right to seek an injury award.

What Options Do I Have After Suffering Vape Pen Burn Injuries?

You might be able to pursue compensation after suffering injuries in a lithium-ion battery fire. To seek a personal injury award after this type of accident, you must prove that the battery or vape pen manufacturer behaved negligently.

You and your product liability lawyers must show that an entity’s actions caused the battery to be unsafe and fail. Some of the potentially liable parties because of the dangers of vape pens are as follows:

  • Designer: The designer did not create a safe product.
  • Manufacturer: The manufacturing process introduced defects into the product.
  • Marketer: Product instructions and marketing materials did not warn of the fire risk.
  • Transporter: The transportation company failed to keep the product clear of physical damage.
  • Retailer: The retailer failed to maintain the product on the shelf at the safest temperatures.

Once you and your attorney show fault on the part of a negligent party, you may attempt to seek a financial award for your pain and suffering, medical treatment bills, and lost wages.

Contact Us Today for Help With Your Vape Pen Accident

It’s important to understand that the vape pen manufacturer will not give you an award because you claim that your device caught fire or exploded. You must prove that the device failed because of negligence. 

The insurance company representing the manufacturer may try to argue that you misused the product or didn’t follow the directions, causing the fire. You may need the help of an experienced injury attorney to investigate the accident and show you did nothing wrong.

At Paynter Law, we understand the potential dangers of vape pens. Our personal injury attorneys have experience with lithium-ion battery fire cases. For a free consultation, call us at (919) 245-3116 or contact us online.