The information contained on this website is intended to be informative only as past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Every case is different, and all factors of the case must be taken into consideration when attempting to assess the likelihood of a successful recovery as well as the amount and type of damages able to be recovered.
The content on this website is intended to be accurate and up-to-date; however, some conditions such as geographic location of the user, the facts of the user’s case, and recent case law and/or legislative changes could affect the accuracy of the content. Users are encouraged to contact Paynter Law directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Attorneys at Paynter Law are licensed to practice in various states. Some attorneys are licensed in multiple states while other attorneys are only licensed in one state. For information regarding the states in which a specific attorney is licensed, please visit the bio page for that attorney. Additionally, users are encouraged to contact Paynter Law to learn more about the states in which an attorney or attorneys is/are licensed.
Contacting Paynter Law by any means (facsimile, website form submission, email, phone call, letter, or other) does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is only form when both parties (you and Paynter Law) agree to the relationship and terms of the relationship in writing. We cannot and will not agree to represent you until we have reviewed the facts of your case, checked our files for any conflicts, and discussed the terms of representation with you. Please do not submit confidential information to Paynter Law until an attorney-client relationship has been established. Once an attorney-client relationship has been established, all communications (written and oral) become confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege unless you waive that confidentiality and/or law dictates otherwise.
The law in most states does not allow attorneys to “specialize” in a particular area of law or type of case. Attorneys at Paynter Law may focus in specific areas of the law and/or may have experience in specific areas of the law, but our attorneys do have not specializations.
This website is attorney advertising. We do not guarantee case results. Contact Paynter Law to speak with someone about your legal case and/or to discuss the possibility of having Paynter Law represent you.
Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this disclaimer, you may contact us using the information below:
106 S. Churton Street, Suite 200
Hillsborough, NC 27278
(844) 472-9683